Poker Articles

The poker articles on this site are written by players of the game and come from observation and contemplation about how to improve one’s game. Feel free to agree or disagree with them as you see fit, but it is always useful to listen to another player’s point of view. There are many styles of playing poker and there is usually more than one correct answer to any problem.


The Beginners Guide To Improving Your Poker (2009-12-21)
Poker is a game of both luck and skill. The first you can do nothing about, but the second (skill) can be improved. This short article endevours to show you ways to increase your skill level in that first step to becoming a consistent winning player. Author: BSPokerGuy
Short Stack Play (2009-12-16)
A brief article on some points of short stacked play, aimed at mistakes I’ve seen while playing. Author: BSPokerGuy