Texas Hold’em :: Hand Rankings

Texas Hold’em hand rankings are the same hand rankings as most other forms of poker. A hand is made up of five cards. The highest value card is an ace and the lowest value is a two. All suits have the same value. Below is a list of the strongest hands to the weakest hands.

Royal Straight Flush A♣ K♣ Q♣ J♣ T♣
A royal straight flush is the highest kind of straight flush you can get. Cards should be from ace through to ten, all of the same suit.
Straight Flush 9♥ 8♥ 7♥ 6♥ 5♥
This is the best hand you can achieve in poker. Cards should be connected, forming a straight, and be of the same suit. If two straight flushes are represented, the straight flush with the highest card making it wins.
Four-of-a-kind 8♥ 8♠ 8♦ 8♣ A♥
A four-of-a-kind, or quads as it is sometimes called, is made when all four cards of the same value are represented. In Texas Hold’em, it is possible to use the board to make a four-of-a-kind hand, so the person with the highest card (kicker) wins. If they both have the same card value or the highest kicker is on the board, the pot is split.
Full House 8♥ 8♠ 8♦ 2♠ 2♥
A full house is a combination of a three-of-a-kind hand with a pair. When comparing two full houses, the hand with the highest three-of-a-kind wins. If there is still a draw, the hand with the highest pair takes down the pot.
Flush K♦ 9♦ 7♦ 3♦ 2♦
A flush is made when all five cards are of the same suit. The highest flush is the one with the highest value card. If that card is shared, the next highest card is used to determine the victor. This process may be repeated all the way to the fifth card.
Straight Q♥ J♦ T♠ 9♣ 8♦
A straight is achieved when five cards connect together so that from highest to lowest the next card is of a value one lower than the previous.
Three-of-a-kind 3♥ 3♠ 3♦ T♣ 2♣
A three-of-a-kind hand, sometimes called trips or a set, is made when three cards of the same value are represented in the hand. The strength of your hand is measured first by the highest valued three-of-a-kind, followed by the next two highest cards (kickers).
Two Pair 5♥ 5♠ 6♦ 6♥ A♠
You make two pairs when you have two different pairs in your hand. The value of the first highest pair dictates the strength of your hand, followed by the second pair and finally by the kicker.
Pair 9♦ 9♠ 6♣ 5♠ 2♦
A pair is made when two cards of the same value appear in the hand.
High Card A♣ T♠ 7♦ 3♣ 2♥
The high card is used to resolve stalemates when no hand is made. The highest card wins.